2022 Vintage

The 2022 vintage was a bit of a roller coaster. We had even more rain than usual in the winter along with a cool, wet spring (including nearly 1 foot of snow April 11th) that delayed berry set about two weeks beyond normal. There were some warm days in July, but not enough to catch up and Veraison was also about two weeks later than normal. We had a momma black bear with her two babies sneaking in at night and eating the Pinot Gris by the edge of the forest, but they were not too greedy and it had limited impact on the harvest. We were saved by an unusually warm, dry October that enabled our latest harvest ever (Riesling harvest Nov 3rd!) while holding quality and allowing amazing results in the grapes. The Chardonnay and Gruner Veltliner wines are now tasting the best vintage ever!


2023 Vintage